Separation anxiety

Hi l have a 9 year old daughter ASD and she isn’t able to separate from me so if l try to go out she becomes distressed, angry and can be very controlling. I find this hard as l can’t even pop to the shop for milk or take the dog out. I have no social life. She also sleep in a bed in our room as she won’t sleep alone. She is showing signs of puppetry starting so this also needs addressing.

She’s been referred for  CBT via BeeU. The nurse said l need to get some control back but it’s not that easy. I don’t want to feed the anxiety but l don’t want to make her worse. 12momths ago she was in constant meltdown and very aggressive and l can’t go back to that. 

Anyone else been through this ?


  • I asked my therapist friend who works with autistic kids about this and she says..

    Start with very small doses always  and have a way back to the parent open for the child.

    "And I mean BABY steps". She says.

  • I asked my therapist friend who works with autistic kids about this and she says..

    Start with very small doses always  and have a way back to the parent open for the child.

    "And I mean BABY steps". She says.

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