
My daughter, 18, loves driving, but unfortunately her insurance has been cancelled because her blackbox caught her speeding. Now I don't condone the speed she was doing but this road is quiet and it starts off at 50 then goes down to 40. Everyone speeds down there because it is a straight, quiet road and is so hard to stick to the limit. 

She has just paid for a different insurance but is now refusing to drive altogether because of the black box. She says that no one sticks to the limit and where we live it is mainly straight national-speed limit roads with forest on the opposite side. When she does the speed limit she feels so anxious and on edge because she feels pressured by drivers behind her because they try to overtake and make gestures at her. She says she wants a bmw because they "rule the roads" therefore she can stick to the speed limit and think nothing of it.

I personally do not know what to do anymore. Driving makes her happy overall but drivers are knocking her confidence. If anyone has any ideas, please please please let me know. 

Parents Reply Children
  • What about a scooter?

    We have 20mph speed limits in built up areas, a lot of people hate it, really really hate it and say it takes to long to get anywhere. Personally I love it, it makes driving so much more restful. We also have lots of single track roads, with no real passing places, they're national speed limit, but in reality it's crazy to above 25mph as you never know what numpty's coming round a bend. We get clots of cyclists on these little roads, they never stop, just head down and peddling, they're a menace, so much so that many farmers drive round with thier baling spikes down, trying to catch some.