
Hi all, hope the holidays are going ok? 

My daughter has completely finished school now. She is 18 and she is coping extremely well but has starting complaining that there isn't much structure and she's getting bored and wants more jobs. 

She currently does babysitting, some one off jobs, another every couple of weeks. She also has a cleaning job which starts next week. During the week, myself and my husband are working. My son, 10, will stay with Chloe or go to my parents or sisters house. My other daughter stays out with friends all day. Chloe is alone during the day with our dog. I'm usually gone 8-3/4. 

During the day, I give Chloe tasks to do e.g hoovering, hang up washing, load or unload dishwasher. She is happy doing these. She will also either listen to music or watch criminal minds but she says it's kinda boring all day. Her brain needs to be busy and active, she can't just sit around and do nothing or chill. 

One interest/hobby she has currently is making a scrapbook with her favourite things in: Criminal Minds, Family, Holidays and much more but she likes to do this in the evening, whilst watching criminal minds. Its and organising activity and calms her before bed. 

Can you think of any activities she can do in the day which can keep her mind busy? Money isn't an issue as such and she can drive. She would usually go for drives but has finally realised the expenses of this and is driving a lot less. Any activities for at home? 

Many thanks, 


  • Kinda like my life, only without the part-time work and TV.

    At least she has youth on her side, and escaped the matrix of school. If I was her age, again, I would look for work/apprenticeship rather than waste time at Uni. My degree turned out to be a milestone around my neck. Not just in terms of money, but also in terms of jobseeking.

    I had an online BFF, passed away May 2022, from Toronto who watched US Crime Drama religiously. Criminal Minds, Shades of Blue and SVU. She had a lot of bad stuff happen her, throughout her life. This December, she would be Sixty; if she still lived.

    Hope your daughter does well. She has the potential. School wasn't the right environment for her.

  • Kinda like my life, only without the part-time work and TV.

    At least she has youth on her side, and escaped the matrix of school. If I was her age, again, I would look for work/apprenticeship rather than waste time at Uni. My degree turned out to be a milestone around my neck. Not just in terms of money, but also in terms of jobseeking.

    I had an online BFF, passed away May 2022, from Toronto who watched US Crime Drama religiously. Criminal Minds, Shades of Blue and SVU. She had a lot of bad stuff happen her, throughout her life. This December, she would be Sixty; if she still lived.

    Hope your daughter does well. She has the potential. School wasn't the right environment for her.

  • Cool. I know apprentice are touted as way to get cash, a serious steady job. And degrees are very...unstable and in some cases worthless and useless in the real world, the competitive dynamics of the job market. So this friend from Toronto, oh you're so lucky to be able to keep friends, I cant for the life of me. Very sad, R.I.P lady from Canada. I'm assuming she was autistic too.