7 year old daughter so angry :(


I'm new here but feeling pretty overwhelmed and at a loss of what to do to support my daughter and thought some of you may have advice or tell me you've experienced similar? My daughter is 7, I've been pretty sure she's neurodivergent since she was very little.  One of the main things I noticed was from around 2 years old she has had such a bad attitude, is rude to people, scowls all the time, she was a very early talker and her tone could sound so mean.  This is still the case and it's hard as her Mum as no one has ever talked to her like this so it's not learned behaviour but seemed to just be the way she is.  Over time this has become more extreme in that she appears so angry over little things, more like rage which she can't control.  This last term at school she's struggled to cope and has hit out at her friends and i've notived a drop off in things like birthday party invites and also more issues even when she's having a 1:1 play date because she can't tolerate not having control over what they might be doing.  She doesn't have a diagnosis yet but is on the pathway.  I suppose I just want her to be happy and have friends as she grows up and I'm worried she's pushing everyone away, even relatives think she's just badly behaved and rude and that I should be disciplining her more.  Thanks, J. 

  • Oh, that must be so hard. Regarding the disciplining issue... You love your daughter and you want her to know she's loved. I'm sure she needs to know that she's loved and that you understand her, which is why disciplining (in the usual sense of punishment) is likely to be counter productive, because it's liable to drive a wedge between you. I'm not an expert and just hope you soon get the help that you need to navigate this.

  • Thanks, yes, I have learned that ''punishment' does not work at all, it only makes things worse! I'm feeling better from all these comments and renewed to keep being her advocate and explain to others why I'm not going down the discipline route as she really can't help what is happening to her.

  • Thanks, yes, I have learned that ''punishment' does not work at all, it only makes things worse! I'm feeling better from all these comments and renewed to keep being her advocate and explain to others why I'm not going down the discipline route as she really can't help what is happening to her.

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