
My adult son (28) does not acknowledge his ASD diagnosis (which he has had since age 14) and masks his autism (and his learning disabilities) so well that he has been successful in getting jobs that he is entirely unsuited for. These jobs inevitably end badly as his employers realise his skill set is not what the job requires and/or incidents occur. He has completely unrealistic employment aspirations. Has anyone else had this experience and how can I help him become more realistic about work opportunities and open about his ASD with employers and others?

  • I'm in exactly the same boat. He is the way he is and sees no reason to change. I've tried the carrot and the stick but to no avail.

    I've organised him help and training but he doesn't attend or cooperate. 

    I suppose it as the old saying goes " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink".

    I think gentle coaxing, making it his idea to change is the only way forward.

  • I'm in exactly the same boat. He is the way he is and sees no reason to change. I've tried the carrot and the stick but to no avail.

    I've organised him help and training but he doesn't attend or cooperate. 

    I suppose it as the old saying goes " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink".

    I think gentle coaxing, making it his idea to change is the only way forward.

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