Completely Alone

Today has been utter hell. Or yesterday technically.

My son is 14 and has high functioning ASD.

I'm a single mum. He's wrecked the house today, tried tying cable round his neck, tried finding knives I hid away, head butted doors and lashed out. I have tried so hard to talk to him but he will not or cannot communicate. He's extremely angry all the time. One of the neighbours called the police out . They were very helpful but as soon as they left my son just got angry again.

He will NOT accept help from anyone. None of my family have even bothered to come help me today and they knew what was going on.

We will now have social work involved yet again which I really wanted to avoid.

I am sitting here exhausted and completely terrified of absolutely everything. I am seriously considering ending it as I do not see a way out, no one seems to care and tomorrow feels unbearable before it's even started. The long term future is bleak at best.

I am on antidepressants and am seriously considering taking the lot.

Help me please anyone 

  • Hi there. I am an Autistic adult, so am not the best person to give advice about what support you can access.

    But I wanted to get in touch and ask you not harm yourself. 

    I have done this myself and am lucky enough to say that I was unsuccessful. I am relieved now that I have had another 20 years of my life to live. Please give yourself time to be pleased that you continued on.

    I had safeguarding involvement with one of my children, but it did help get me the support that I needed. 

    Take care of yourself and get all the help that you can think of. xx

    I hope you don't mind, but I am going to copy in the moderator, to see what advice they can give you re support. I hope you are okay with me doing this.

    Can you give some advice about what support is available. 

  • Hi there. I am an Autistic adult, so am not the best person to give advice about what support you can access.

    But I wanted to get in touch and ask you not harm yourself. 

    I have done this myself and am lucky enough to say that I was unsuccessful. I am relieved now that I have had another 20 years of my life to live. Please give yourself time to be pleased that you continued on.

    I had safeguarding involvement with one of my children, but it did help get me the support that I needed. 

    Take care of yourself and get all the help that you can think of. xx

    I hope you don't mind, but I am going to copy in the moderator, to see what advice they can give you re support. I hope you are okay with me doing this.

    Can you give some advice about what support is available. 
