Daughters GP appointment

Hi everyone,

I've not been on for a long while so I hope everyone is well.

I have a question regarding my daughter's appointment with her GP coming up.  Do you think I should write a list of troubles/struggles for when I have the appointment or should I just go and reel everything off what's going on there and then?

I was diagnosed 5 years ago and seeing my daughter already struggling in school and certain teachers getting angry with her and calling her slow really annoys me because I've lived that life at that age too.

I suppose the most annoying thing for me and my wife was that two years ago we filled a sheet of paper in which the school gave us, we handed it in being told it will be forwarded to the nearest referral place and to our astonishment have only just found out she has not been placed on the waiting list all along.

Anyway any advice would be very much appreciated.

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