Chances of getting a autism assessment, as an adult?


I have heard about the lengthy waiting times for autism as trying to get my daughter assessed is proving difficult. After reading about autism and its traits. I feel I exhibit traits but not sure if I have a case to be assessed for autism. I am female and have struggled my whole life with social interaction, watching what I say, over analysing conversations to the point where I will re-enact the conversation. Certain noises I cannot stand, unfamiliar noises, I must find the sound and to make it go away. Do not like people entering my personal space. I don't know, I guess I am trying to search for an answer of sorts.

As mentioned, my daughter will be assessed, once the outcome has been established, then maybe start looking at myself. Any advice is welcome.


Many Thanks 

  • the chances are you will get assessed but after a 8 year wait lol
    but the chances are because you have a kid and likely had a partner and relationship and likely have a home and a life they will use that against you in the assessment.

  • Thank you for your reply. Oh really, the more I think about it, the more it appears to be out of reach. I may very well not be, but I would have welcomed an assessment. I understand why so many people go under the radar. 

  • I don't think you having a relationship and a family should affect your ability to get an assessment, that's very stereotypical. I am married and managed to get an assessment, it wasn't seen as a barrier to my diagnosis at all. If you have a child with a formal diagnosis, if anything, this should increase your chances of getting a diagnosis because they will ask if anyone in your family is neurodiverse. I would suggest asking your GP for a referral now to get on the waiting list. Try to do one of the online questionnaires and take it with you along with a list of reasons why you would like an assessment. If the GP refuses (which they shouldn't without good reason), ask for a second opinion with a different GP. Good luck!

  • I don't think you having a relationship and a family should affect your ability to get an assessment, that's very stereotypical. I am married and managed to get an assessment, it wasn't seen as a barrier to my diagnosis at all. If you have a child with a formal diagnosis, if anything, this should increase your chances of getting a diagnosis because they will ask if anyone in your family is neurodiverse. I would suggest asking your GP for a referral now to get on the waiting list. Try to do one of the online questionnaires and take it with you along with a list of reasons why you would like an assessment. If the GP refuses (which they shouldn't without good reason), ask for a second opinion with a different GP. Good luck!

  • could be the case if the kid has a diagnosis it increases their chance too... although usually dont they say it comes from the father? so theyd be suspecting the father is autistic in that case?

    anyway, there has been a few people on here who said they got a negative result on their assessment due to things such as their functioning or having relations. so it has apparently happened that way. i guess it depends on the individual assessor.