Chances of getting a autism assessment, as an adult?


I have heard about the lengthy waiting times for autism as trying to get my daughter assessed is proving difficult. After reading about autism and its traits. I feel I exhibit traits but not sure if I have a case to be assessed for autism. I am female and have struggled my whole life with social interaction, watching what I say, over analysing conversations to the point where I will re-enact the conversation. Certain noises I cannot stand, unfamiliar noises, I must find the sound and to make it go away. Do not like people entering my personal space. I don't know, I guess I am trying to search for an answer of sorts.

As mentioned, my daughter will be assessed, once the outcome has been established, then maybe start looking at myself. Any advice is welcome.


Many Thanks 

  • From initial presentation to the doctor, to diagnosed within three months.

    1. I did a self test forst to find out for mysef. 

    2. once I knew, after considering whether I wanted one, I presenetd myself to my doctor (who said I couldn't pssibly be Autistic, (so I asked hm why I scored 38 on my online test, and why has my life been so bloody difficult so far?) So he grudgingly administered the NHS test. (At wich I scored the same as on my online test) 

    3. He said he would "refer me". I asked what teh process involved, he told me they would send a letter to a psychiatrist.

    4. I gave the surgery a week to do it, then followed it up with a phone call to "progress chase" it  

    5. After a couple fo calls I was not happy at the speed it was taking to write & post a single letter so I escalated the matter to my local health Authority, making the point that since I was in my sixties this was a big deal for me, putting my life effectvely "on hold" until I knew and asking why the process was so drawn out... From this point onwards the process became a LOT more efficient and streamlined.

    >>. There is a saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" I suggest people with Autism who need a diagnosis in a useful period of time simply "squeak" a bit more like I did.

    All you have to do is ASK QUESTIONS, such as "where as we in the process today" but do it POLITELY and with due consideration of the person you are talking to.    

    www.aspergerstestsite for the online diagnosis. 

  • From initial presentation to the doctor, to diagnosed within three months.

    1. I did a self test forst to find out for mysef. 

    2. once I knew, after considering whether I wanted one, I presenetd myself to my doctor (who said I couldn't pssibly be Autistic, (so I asked hm why I scored 38 on my online test, and why has my life been so bloody difficult so far?) So he grudgingly administered the NHS test. (At wich I scored the same as on my online test) 

    3. He said he would "refer me". I asked what teh process involved, he told me they would send a letter to a psychiatrist.

    4. I gave the surgery a week to do it, then followed it up with a phone call to "progress chase" it  

    5. After a couple fo calls I was not happy at the speed it was taking to write & post a single letter so I escalated the matter to my local health Authority, making the point that since I was in my sixties this was a big deal for me, putting my life effectvely "on hold" until I knew and asking why the process was so drawn out... From this point onwards the process became a LOT more efficient and streamlined.

    >>. There is a saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" I suggest people with Autism who need a diagnosis in a useful period of time simply "squeak" a bit more like I did.

    All you have to do is ASK QUESTIONS, such as "where as we in the process today" but do it POLITELY and with due consideration of the person you are talking to.    

    www.aspergerstestsite for the online diagnosis. 

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