Daughter in year 11 no plans for future

My daughter is about to undertake her GCSEs and we have just been accepted for an EHCP but no draft in place at the moment.

it looks as though my daughter will fail her GCSEs as she refuses to do revision homework or go to class. 
Everytime I discuss leaving school she blanks me out and there are not many options anyway.

i think failing her GCSEs might be good so she can have a purpose going to college but for now I do not have a clue where to turn or what to do!!

  • Maybe a good starting point to get closer to your daughter would be offering her doing her favorite activity together (I don’t know what it is and if it’s possible) but maybe she would open up more if she sees your interest in her favorite things. In fact when I was a kid, I hid a lot of them, for example trams. I could sit hours in a library and study the history of trams in my city, technological development, tram routes, new models etc. then at home I loved to imagine that I have my own city and I have to plan the public transport in it. So I did, it took me hours, I sat alone and drew it, planned, made calculations, there was full plan, infrastructure, timetables, etc. nobody knew about it, because it was my top secret as I was terribly ashamed for having such interest. I thought it was not normal for a 8-9 year old girl. But there were also other activities that I liked to do, for example playing checkers or some strategic games.

  • Maybe a good starting point to get closer to your daughter would be offering her doing her favorite activity together (I don’t know what it is and if it’s possible) but maybe she would open up more if she sees your interest in her favorite things. In fact when I was a kid, I hid a lot of them, for example trams. I could sit hours in a library and study the history of trams in my city, technological development, tram routes, new models etc. then at home I loved to imagine that I have my own city and I have to plan the public transport in it. So I did, it took me hours, I sat alone and drew it, planned, made calculations, there was full plan, infrastructure, timetables, etc. nobody knew about it, because it was my top secret as I was terribly ashamed for having such interest. I thought it was not normal for a 8-9 year old girl. But there were also other activities that I liked to do, for example playing checkers or some strategic games.

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