My 15 year old son won't go to school and gets Aggressive

My son was diagnosed over a year ago. He's always been sshy around people unless its with me or his brother. At school he's always struggled to make friends.In primary school he had a few friends who eventually left to go to other schools. After this my son grew anxious and other kids would make fun of him. He hated going to school and would cry most days not wanting to go. I'd have meetings with the school who said he probably has seperation anxiety, but eventually I had no choice but to take him out to do homeschooling. Though he did agree to start back to school in year 7.

While he did homeschooling I had him join groups like gymnastics, swimming and scouts. He loved swimming, but as for the other two he struggled. He found it hard to fit in, and always found an excuse not to go. Eventually after about 8 months he stopped going, much to my disappointment. My son did love going out to skate parks and doing other activities as long as I was with him.

When he started back to school in year 7 he was so looking forward to it, but it was apparant after the first few days he would struggle. All through year 7 was a huge ordeal. He ended up being allowed part time hours and schoolm counselling. The days he had counselling he looked forward to. This went on through the beginning of year 8. Half way through year 8 he got better and better, going to school everyday. His grades improved and he seemed happy to go there with the support from the SENCo team.

This continued all through year 9, he was doing so well. He was in top sets for Science and Maths. He loved everything to do with computers as well. He was always getting praised for doing so well.

All things changed when he got to year 10. By October he was having days off school saying he was ill. This escalated and he he's barely been now since last year. He keeps saying he will go back but he finds it difficult as he's been off so long. The school have said he's missed so much work and his grades have dropped. He supposed to be preparing for his GCSE's but I reallyy can't see it happening now.

My son as well as Autism , he has a problem with anger. He gets extremley aggressive around me. He won't listen to anything I say. He breaks my possessions, damages walls and doors. If he breaks his own possessions he blames me for it. When i try to speak to him he tells me to shut up, calls me names and sometimes punches me in my arm or back. I have a Family Support worker who has told me to call the police if he does it again. I did call the police 3 weeks ago. They took photos of bruises on my arm. They said they would arrest me son because it is a criminal offence now. I told them not to. But they said they would arrest him next time they are called out. I tell my son this but he thinks I am making it up. They asked my son what he wants to be when he leaves school. He said an Engineer. He always wanted to do that. Butt they told him he would not be able to do that with no qualifications or if he has a criminal record. Also with his aggressive behaviour it will affect him having relationships in the future because it is down on report.

I tell my son he needs to sort himself out but he just tells me to shut up and he hates to hear my voice.

It worries me so much because out Support worker has even said thres a possibility that my son could be taken away as his behaviour is affecting his younger brother. My son thinks he can just stay at home and his problems will just go away. All he wants to do is play computer games. If i take his devices off him he turns voilent. WWhat worries me also is that he struggles to leave our home. He refuses to go out anywhere. He can't seem to face anyone. He won't even go to see the doctor when I've made appointments. IHow do i deal with this? How can I get help for him if he won't leave the house?

  • I have no practical advice but your situation is almost identical to mine, my 15 year old is the same. I'm so sorry I can't offer you any help but wanted to let you know you're not alone.

  • I have no practical advice but your situation is almost identical to mine, my 15 year old is the same. I'm so sorry I can't offer you any help but wanted to let you know you're not alone.

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