Plane travel - what do you do?

Hi All

Looking for some advice from you if i can. My 15 year old girl recently met her boyfriend for the first time last week, he lives in America. He is her bestfriend and honestly only friend as she struggles to understand and maintain friendships so this out of the blue relationship has been a god send for support. He travelled with his mum to stay with us for a week and returned back to Nevada last week. It was a successful but stressful trip for us mum's. 

The plan is for us to visit them next at Christmas time. My worry is that she will not cope with the noise, smells and space in Economy for the first flight of about 9 hours. Its 2 flights each way. But anything above Economy is very expensive. Do you guys have any recommendations of airlines that are ASD friendly or any tips that could make the experience less stressful for both of us?

Thank you in advance Slight smile

  • I would definitely pre book special assistance at the airport so that you are prioritised through security and onto the plane. Will she wear ear defenders? If so they would probably help reduce the noise. I take an ipad for my son and I've downloaded all his favourite movies/shows/games etc beforehand as there won't be any wi fi on the plane. I also take a bag full of his favourite snacks. It may also be worth asking her Doctor if theres medication she could take to reduce her anxiety during the flight? Good luck.

  • I would definitely pre book special assistance at the airport so that you are prioritised through security and onto the plane. Will she wear ear defenders? If so they would probably help reduce the noise. I take an ipad for my son and I've downloaded all his favourite movies/shows/games etc beforehand as there won't be any wi fi on the plane. I also take a bag full of his favourite snacks. It may also be worth asking her Doctor if theres medication she could take to reduce her anxiety during the flight? Good luck.

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