Plane travel - what do you do?

Hi All

Looking for some advice from you if i can. My 15 year old girl recently met her boyfriend for the first time last week, he lives in America. He is her bestfriend and honestly only friend as she struggles to understand and maintain friendships so this out of the blue relationship has been a god send for support. He travelled with his mum to stay with us for a week and returned back to Nevada last week. It was a successful but stressful trip for us mum's. 

The plan is for us to visit them next at Christmas time. My worry is that she will not cope with the noise, smells and space in Economy for the first flight of about 9 hours. Its 2 flights each way. But anything above Economy is very expensive. Do you guys have any recommendations of airlines that are ASD friendly or any tips that could make the experience less stressful for both of us?

Thank you in advance Slight smile

  • Given the situation at airports these days, you could consider getting the Queen Mary from Southampton to New York and going by train to Nevada - we know that because of climate change, aside from airport security since 9/11, they don’t want people using air travel, which is why they go to great lengths to make air travel as unpleasant an experience as possible, even for short flights - already, the Irish government is preparing to implement an EU directive to ban all short haul flights between Ireland and the U.K., both post Brexit and post Covid and also between Ireland and mainland Europe 

  • The EUSSR want to make our departure, from them, as punitive as possible.

    It's all to prepare for the 'Second American Revolution' aka the emergence of Antichrist.

  • Of course it's the evil EU's fault and not that the Brexit camp lied to you. It's like if your road declared independence from the UK and then you act outraged that going to the shops is now more expensive and inconvenient. 

  • Of course it's the evil EU's fault and not that the Brexit camp lied to you. It's like if your road declared independence from the UK and then you act outraged that going to the shops is now more expensive and inconvenient. 

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