Forming filling from the school

Hello, I'm new to this 

I'm in the process of getting a diagnosis for my son.

He 4 years old and currently at nursery 

We ask the nursey teacher to fill in their form and when we got it back. My son displaying to them a very  different child.

I'm feeling a little hurt over what they have tick as they have seen some of this behaviour in the class or at drop off times. 

When I send the form back with the parents form will this go against everything. Feel like a losing battle atm

Thank you 

  • Hiya, 

    This is part of the dance you have to do with various people to get a diagnosis. This is the very beginning of your journey so please don't feel like you are losing the battle. Chances are you will feel like this at various steps along the way 

  • Hiya, 

    This is part of the dance you have to do with various people to get a diagnosis. This is the very beginning of your journey so please don't feel like you are losing the battle. Chances are you will feel like this at various steps along the way 

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