Help! Feeling ignored.

Hi all, I'm new. 

My daughter was diagnosed with ASD(Asperger's) in January this year, she's in Year 3. 

My daughter is bright and compliant in class, she likes routines and needs extra time to process things and like to go to sleep at dinner and break time so will find a bench outside and hide away for some peace. This does worry me alot in general she's doing amazing  in school, just the niggle bits. 

I asked for an appointment to speak with the sensco to go over the Psychologist plan, they have asked school to put in place, but my requests are always ignored. 

I don't know whether I'm looking too much into this but a few of the parents that have sens child speak with each other and they said that they have received appointments times and date for a joint appointment with Senco and their teacher and again my daughter haven't received anything. 

Apparently I don't need an appointment because my daughter is "very bright and compliant" in class, and not seen as a  "problem" "there words" l'm so frustrated with it all, just because my child is bright and well behaved , they are ignoring the fact that she has autism, she masks, she hide away and sleeps at dinner time. But still we don't get an appointment to discuss the diagnosis or what they will do to support her in this year, the teacher did say that senco was in the middle of doing EHCP, how can the do a EHCP without discussing it with the parents,

Am i being unreasonable to wanting an appointment? Is this discrimination towards my daughter because other autistic children are getting appointments for SENCO, just not mine.  I don't want to be one of those parents that push things or for my daughter to be treated differently but the Psychologist told me to make an appointment. 

I'm not sure where I stand or what I should do? Is being bright and compliant enough? 

Thank you, If you took the time to read this.

Sarah x

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