Son increasingly frustrated with sport

Hello all.

First Post!

Wondering if anyone is in the same boat as us, and/or have some strategies

Our son is approaching 14. Recently been diagnosed ASD (no surprise at our end). He is really bright, does well in school, and in the main manages things quite well but with some common ASD traits (obsessed by F1, likes smaller groups, does not see other peoples opinions well, and generally has a slightly different take on things).

Where we have the most stressful of problems is with his sport. He plays two sports at a reasonably high level but gets unreasonably frustrated with coaches, team mates, and himself.

This can be anything and everything:

- too much coaching

- coaches not listening to his ideas (he has a lot)

- team mates not listening to his instructions 

- not respecting weaker team mates

- never just 'letting things go' and moving on to the next play

..... the list goes on. He loves his sport, but often it creates most of his stress.



  • i hated PE in high school. it was taught bad and the school was hostile to me anyway. there was no sport in it or fitness or anything.

    ofcourse im 34 now and when i was in my 20s i took up martial arts and carried it on continuously. im far beyond anything my PE teachers were or anybody for that matter. it helps me alot in work as no ones as good at manual hard fast labour and im described as a machine.

    id ignore anything at school, schools dont matter, schools dont represent the quality of the students, instead superimposes a worse failure on each student based on how much of a failure the teachers are themselves at controlling the class or teaching others.

  • i hated PE in high school. it was taught bad and the school was hostile to me anyway. there was no sport in it or fitness or anything.

    ofcourse im 34 now and when i was in my 20s i took up martial arts and carried it on continuously. im far beyond anything my PE teachers were or anybody for that matter. it helps me alot in work as no ones as good at manual hard fast labour and im described as a machine.

    id ignore anything at school, schools dont matter, schools dont represent the quality of the students, instead superimposes a worse failure on each student based on how much of a failure the teachers are themselves at controlling the class or teaching others.

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