My 20 year old daughter keeps taking my things. Advice please.

My 20 year old daughter keeps taking my belongings without asking. Clothes, shoes, make up etc. She goes through my wardrobe and drawers. A lot of things have been ruined as she is careless with them. I often find my clothes screwed up in her room.  I have found two pairs of shoes that she took with the heel caps off but she continued to wear them so worn down now. 
today I realised a favourite skirt was missing and tried contacting her about it. She has eventually replied and said she took it to try on at her friends house (she is now at her boyfriends) and will pick it up tomorrow. I have tried so many times to explain that taking things and going in my room, drawers, wardrobe to look for things is disrespectful and is actually stealing and how it makes me feel. She has just now told me she forgot she had taken it and has a compulsion to take things. Advice please on how I can deal with this as it is making me really upset and angry. At times I want her out of the house!

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