Pushchair for large 6 year old Austsic Child

Hello, can any one help? I need an extra strong pushchair for severely Autistic 6 year old who is too large and strong for traditional pushchair and it's too unsafe and disregulating for him to walk in some places. OT said he needs a buggy but the medical ones are not now available unless there's an actual physical disability. Does anyone have any ideas/advice?


  • Mobiquip XL pushchair & The McLaren elite are both pretty similar and are excellent very strong are are suitable until 12 years: 

    If you ask your GP or OT to put a referral into the NHS wheel chair service they should provide you with a Mobiquip XL free of charge. 

  • Mobiquip XL pushchair & The McLaren elite are both pretty similar and are excellent very strong are are suitable until 12 years: 

    If you ask your GP or OT to put a referral into the NHS wheel chair service they should provide you with a Mobiquip XL free of charge. 

  • Oh sorry I’ve just read your message again, that they won’t provide one for you. Can you appeal the decision? If you receive benefits you could apply to family fund. There’s a charity Caudwell children who may be able to assist you?