6 year old biting, kicking and hitting

Hi my 6 year old son was diagnosed with ASD in July last year. He struggles with sleep and takes 2mg melatonin each night.

Every Sunday and Monday after he returns from his Dads house, he hits and bites me and my 12 year old daughter. We use visual timers as a countdown to things like bathtime, but if my son doesn’t want to do something he starts kicking and hitting.

any advice on what to do as i am covered in bruises and feel so helpless, 

  • Sometimes just going through a transition from one thing to another can be unsettling too.  Try to work out what it is that he doesn't like about the things he refuses to do, and figure out ways to deal with that. Eg water is too cold, toothpaste tastes bad etc.

  • I am thinking he finds it difficult to cope with the change in routine. When he arrives home he reacts because he has returned to his safe place. It must be hard to go through that for all of you. 

    I am presuming things improve later in the week. Is there something you can do with him that he enjoys doing so you can wonder with him about things he likes doing and things he finds hard? Perhaps you can talk about what is difficult on his return and come to some agreement regarding his routine when he comes home. If he feels he has had some part in the plan it may be easier for him and help him to feel more in control at this challenging time of change.

  • It sounds like he’s probably reacting to something he doesn’t like at his Dad’s house if those are the only times he lashes out. He might be holding in his distress  while he’s there and unleashing it when he arrives back. You’ll need to find out what is upsetting him and ask his Dad to remove the trigger