Does anyone else have this?

For years we have always gone to family for Christmas, our Son who has ASD would  happily come along too and he’d enjoy it. This year he has just wanted to stay home at Christmas. Is this usual and should we try to get him to go out? 

  • You don't say how old your son is, but it could be adolescence or, as indeed you say, his ASD. 

    I am nearly seventy years old and I still avoid xmas like the plague.   Social gatherings, be they family or otherwise, are often a nightmare to us. Sitting around a large dinner table can make us feel trapped, We are stuck between the table, the family and the four walls of the room....... and we are expected to sparkle... and cosume an enourmous meal that we may not enjoy..... we can be very picky eaters.

    I think you should just let him do his own thing, whatever his age. If he's young, keep an eye on him from a discreet distance, and don't put any pressure on him.

    Hoping the day goes well,


  • You don't say how old your son is, but it could be adolescence or, as indeed you say, his ASD. 

    I am nearly seventy years old and I still avoid xmas like the plague.   Social gatherings, be they family or otherwise, are often a nightmare to us. Sitting around a large dinner table can make us feel trapped, We are stuck between the table, the family and the four walls of the room....... and we are expected to sparkle... and cosume an enourmous meal that we may not enjoy..... we can be very picky eaters.

    I think you should just let him do his own thing, whatever his age. If he's young, keep an eye on him from a discreet distance, and don't put any pressure on him.

    Hoping the day goes well,

