Does anyone else have this?

For years we have always gone to family for Christmas, our Son who has ASD would  happily come along too and he’d enjoy it. This year he has just wanted to stay home at Christmas. Is this usual and should we try to get him to go out? 

  • I have hated Christmas for as long as I can remember. For me, and I think many others with autism Christmas creates sensory overload and can lead to melt down. These days my family understand and give me lots of space and quiet time. They are so understanding and it makes a huge difference to me. My dislike of Christmas certainly increased over the years. 

    Whilst everyone on the spectrum is different the issues around Christmas seem to be very common. 

    I would not presume to advise on what you should do, I just hope that this gives the perspective you seek to support your decisions. 

    Best wishes to you and your son, he is very fortunate to have such a caring, loving family. 

  • I have hated Christmas for as long as I can remember. For me, and I think many others with autism Christmas creates sensory overload and can lead to melt down. These days my family understand and give me lots of space and quiet time. They are so understanding and it makes a huge difference to me. My dislike of Christmas certainly increased over the years. 

    Whilst everyone on the spectrum is different the issues around Christmas seem to be very common. 

    I would not presume to advise on what you should do, I just hope that this gives the perspective you seek to support your decisions. 

    Best wishes to you and your son, he is very fortunate to have such a caring, loving family. 

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