Homeschooling secondary school and exams.

Hi, is there anyone that homeschools their child at secondary school age/level that would be happy to chat to me about how you decided that it was right for yous, and about resources and how it all works with exams and everything.

My daughter loves learning but can't cope at school with the structure and breaks and between classes and so just refuses to go. But she also doesn't think she would want to do home schooling.

But maybe some more information would help us change our minds or could maybe even just help with what she misses when she can't go to school.


  • Hello, I home educated all four children. Two did GCSEs at home then chose to go to sixth form then on to university, two did GCSEs and A Levels on their own and then one of them went on to university. We chose home education as a life-style choice however, there are many different reasons that families have for not sending their children to school.

    The options for GCSEs and A Levels are varied. The child / parent can get the syllabus, the books and teach yourself and enrol at a school to take the exam (some schools are happy to take external students). You have to pay for each exam if you are not in the school system. The other options are to pay for a tutor or you could enrol child on a distance learning course.

    The home education community is very welcoming so I would advise you contact someone to get some advice.  there is a phone line and an email address

    This website is useful for understanding the legal side of educating your children

    I hope that helps

  • Hello, I home educated all four children. Two did GCSEs at home then chose to go to sixth form then on to university, two did GCSEs and A Levels on their own and then one of them went on to university. We chose home education as a life-style choice however, there are many different reasons that families have for not sending their children to school.

    The options for GCSEs and A Levels are varied. The child / parent can get the syllabus, the books and teach yourself and enrol at a school to take the exam (some schools are happy to take external students). You have to pay for each exam if you are not in the school system. The other options are to pay for a tutor or you could enrol child on a distance learning course.

    The home education community is very welcoming so I would advise you contact someone to get some advice.  there is a phone line and an email address

    This website is useful for understanding the legal side of educating your children

    I hope that helps

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