Homeschooling secondary school and exams.

Hi, is there anyone that homeschools their child at secondary school age/level that would be happy to chat to me about how you decided that it was right for yous, and about resources and how it all works with exams and everything.

My daughter loves learning but can't cope at school with the structure and breaks and between classes and so just refuses to go. But she also doesn't think she would want to do home schooling.

But maybe some more information would help us change our minds or could maybe even just help with what she misses when she can't go to school.


  • Hi,

     I was pulled out from school half way through year 9. Due to bullying and medical issues caused by the bullying. The school did nothing to help so my parents decided to home Ed. I now know that the school never noticed that I was autistic and needed support. They then decided to home Ed all my siblings.

     I spent over a year recovering from the school trauma, most of the learning I did was hands on eg. Cooking/baking gardening, volunteering as anything school related reminded me of it.

    when I was in year 11 we looked into gcse options. My local college offered a gcse course that I could do. (Some colleges allow children as young as 14 to go to college if home Ed.) It was horrible but I managed to get my English and Maths and do a level 2 business course.

    my sister was home Ed for primary but chose to go to secondary. But found the pressure of doing 11 gcses too much. Again the school was no help. So she was back doing home Ed. When we went to apply for a college we were told she could do any course (alongside taking gcses) as she was home Ed.

    my brother is  dyslexic  and so to this day has never taken any GCSE’s. But he’s now training to be a manager in a supermarket. And it’s just proof that GCSE’s aren’t everything.

    The thing with home Ed is that it isn’t permanent. You can try it and if it doesn’t work then school is always there to fall back on. You aren’t judged for that. Flex-schooling is sometimes an option but schools don’t have to offer it. That would allow her to learn part time at school part time at home. Is your daughter in a special school? 

    I didn’t want to be home educated when I was at school. I can honestly say the decision saved my life. You know what’s best for her. Write a list of what she likes and doesn’t like about school and see if you can work out what she’s unsure about.

    I would recommend finding local home Ed groups on Facebook. Twinkl home Ed group is fantastic and i believe they have a separate secondary home Ed group.

    Hope this helps

  • Hello, I home educated all four children. Two did GCSEs at home then chose to go to sixth form then on to university, two did GCSEs and A Levels on their own and then one of them went on to university. We chose home education as a life-style choice however, there are many different reasons that families have for not sending their children to school.

    The options for GCSEs and A Levels are varied. The child / parent can get the syllabus, the books and teach yourself and enrol at a school to take the exam (some schools are happy to take external students). You have to pay for each exam if you are not in the school system. The other options are to pay for a tutor or you could enrol child on a distance learning course.

    The home education community is very welcoming so I would advise you contact someone to get some advice.  there is a phone line and an email address

    This website is useful for understanding the legal side of educating your children

    I hope that helps

  • I don't have first hand experience of home schooling but I have looked at the wesite of a home/online-schooling provider as my Dad suggested I take a look for my 10yr old son who is not happy at school and for whom we are struggling to find a suitable secondary. Not sure if we're allowed to name places but the one I looked at is The child of my Dad's friend of a friend has enrolled and is getting on really well. I also found out a few days later that the daughter of a good friend of mine also started there a month ago, as she was finding her anxiety in year 7 of secondary was too much. My friend and her husband (both of whom have worked in educaiton) are both really impressed so far. They do online open events, maybe you could get your daughter to attend one with you and see what you both think?

  • Hi , thank you for sharing with the online community. I don't have any homeschooling experience to share, but you may find that a good starting point is searching other online community posts by clicking on the magnifying glass at the top right. 

    You may also want to contact our Education Rights Service, which provides information, support and advice on educational provision and entitlements. Please see the following link for further information:

    I hope these help.

    Best wishes,

    Anna Mod