Homeschooling secondary school and exams.

Hi, is there anyone that homeschools their child at secondary school age/level that would be happy to chat to me about how you decided that it was right for yous, and about resources and how it all works with exams and everything.

My daughter loves learning but can't cope at school with the structure and breaks and between classes and so just refuses to go. But she also doesn't think she would want to do home schooling.

But maybe some more information would help us change our minds or could maybe even just help with what she misses when she can't go to school.


  • I don't have first hand experience of home schooling but I have looked at the wesite of a home/online-schooling provider as my Dad suggested I take a look for my 10yr old son who is not happy at school and for whom we are struggling to find a suitable secondary. Not sure if we're allowed to name places but the one I looked at is The child of my Dad's friend of a friend has enrolled and is getting on really well. I also found out a few days later that the daughter of a good friend of mine also started there a month ago, as she was finding her anxiety in year 7 of secondary was too much. My friend and her husband (both of whom have worked in educaiton) are both really impressed so far. They do online open events, maybe you could get your daughter to attend one with you and see what you both think?

  • I don't have first hand experience of home schooling but I have looked at the wesite of a home/online-schooling provider as my Dad suggested I take a look for my 10yr old son who is not happy at school and for whom we are struggling to find a suitable secondary. Not sure if we're allowed to name places but the one I looked at is The child of my Dad's friend of a friend has enrolled and is getting on really well. I also found out a few days later that the daughter of a good friend of mine also started there a month ago, as she was finding her anxiety in year 7 of secondary was too much. My friend and her husband (both of whom have worked in educaiton) are both really impressed so far. They do online open events, maybe you could get your daughter to attend one with you and see what you both think?

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