Welcoming new child and family to our school

Hi everyone,

I have been a teacher for several years and teach at a mainstream primary school. 

My new class in September will include a child with autism.

Thankfully a statement is already in place for 20hrs support and we have a lovely and experienced TA in place.

I was hoping for some advice on how best to start off my relationship with this child and their family. More focusing on the family really as I know each child with asd is unique and their specific needs, abilities and interests vary.

I know that sending your child to school for the first time is a scary experience in itself. What would you have liked your child's teacher to do, ask or offer?

Is there anything I should avoid? (I'm thinking of the type of 'well-meaning' things which actually cause upset.)  

I also have the opportunity to reorganise my classroom completely in September as we are having building work during August. If anyone has any suggestions for spaces I should create in the classroom or things I should avoid that would be great.

My main concern is that this child should have a safe and happy space to explore and grow for their first year in school and that their parents should feel welcomed and supported by our school.


  • Hi everyone,

    Thanks for all your advice Smile

    I have taught children with various SEN previously including 3 children with Autism. What always strikes me is how unique each child is in their needs, difficulties and strengths. No child is going to fit a standard pigeon hole of a ‘typical autistic’. I look forward to getting to know T as an individual.

    T enjoyed classroom visit and played independently with TA nearby if T needed support. It will take a while to see how T reacts to new classroom and routines. We have a pastoral folder and a home/school diary so we can track any problem behaviour and identify triggers or equally identify anything T really responds well to and enjoys. Our SENCo introduced social stories so we have those at hand if needed.

    Luckily T has a statement and funding for full time 1-1 support in place. This includes support at break and lunch. We have set tables for lunch and I have put T at a quiet table with friendly children. In week one we check that table assignments are working out and swop if needed.  

    We made T a transition book to take home over summer and I’m sure mum and dad are showing T my photo! We may make up a new one in September as we are having some building work done. Also I thought if T had a book of pictures of school and staff it would be a way to help T communicate with parents about ‘what I did in school today’.

    I am lucky to work in a smaller school with generally lovely and friendly children. But even the sweetest of kids will be tempted to push another kid’s buttons to get a reaction they think is funny. So that's always something to keep an eye on. It's my kids first year at school so we spend lots of time teaching them how to form positive relationships.  

    I’m not sure how T is on eye-contact yet. Our conversations so far have been on the move while T is busy.  I’ve had found the eye contact issue is very individual and would never force a child to make eye contact - I have tempted them with puppets though! We use ear defenders for a child in senior school so I will get another pair over summer just in case. Thanks for the reminder!

    I know that T’s parents will have anxieties and I want to support them so they can come to me with any concerns. I’m also conscious that I’m going to have a large class including several other children with medical conditions, either diagnosed or in the process of being diagnosed. Plus as a Reception teacher, all my first-time parents will be anxious.

    I need to find a balance so I’m available to parents who need to talk to me but hopefully reach the point of trust so they know I will inform them of any problems but maybe can’t always give a daily verbal report of T’s day in the way pre-school were able to - though of course T’s TA will be available too. I think we’ll have to wait and see how T settles into school and take things from there.     

    Our head does like all children to attend assemblies but we tend to adopt a process where children go into the assembly with their 1-1 and sit at end of line so they can leave when they need to. They might just stay in for the welcome. We had one child with autism who loved any assemblies which music and would lie down at the back of the hall to listen. Another child hated any singing in assemblies and would either put on ear defenders or leave.

    Part of our school ethos is that praising ‘good’ behaviour is more effective than shaming ‘bad’ behaviour. It’s important for adults to understand the reasons behind behaviour and try not to take words and actions personally.    

    I’m keen to develop my Quiet Time space and have an opportunity to do this thanks to our building work.

    I would like to establish some sort of visual timetable. I will hopefully get this sorted with TA on inset day before school starts. 

    The TA has 15 years of experience as a 1-1 support and has worked with two other children with autism in that time. Her training has been on-the-job, in school by our SENCo and through courses run by our local authority. She is a lovely person; cheerful, energetic and endlessly patient.  

  • Hi everyone,

    Thanks for all your advice Smile

    I have taught children with various SEN previously including 3 children with Autism. What always strikes me is how unique each child is in their needs, difficulties and strengths. No child is going to fit a standard pigeon hole of a ‘typical autistic’. I look forward to getting to know T as an individual.

    T enjoyed classroom visit and played independently with TA nearby if T needed support. It will take a while to see how T reacts to new classroom and routines. We have a pastoral folder and a home/school diary so we can track any problem behaviour and identify triggers or equally identify anything T really responds well to and enjoys. Our SENCo introduced social stories so we have those at hand if needed.

    Luckily T has a statement and funding for full time 1-1 support in place. This includes support at break and lunch. We have set tables for lunch and I have put T at a quiet table with friendly children. In week one we check that table assignments are working out and swop if needed.  

    We made T a transition book to take home over summer and I’m sure mum and dad are showing T my photo! We may make up a new one in September as we are having some building work done. Also I thought if T had a book of pictures of school and staff it would be a way to help T communicate with parents about ‘what I did in school today’.

    I am lucky to work in a smaller school with generally lovely and friendly children. But even the sweetest of kids will be tempted to push another kid’s buttons to get a reaction they think is funny. So that's always something to keep an eye on. It's my kids first year at school so we spend lots of time teaching them how to form positive relationships.  

    I’m not sure how T is on eye-contact yet. Our conversations so far have been on the move while T is busy.  I’ve had found the eye contact issue is very individual and would never force a child to make eye contact - I have tempted them with puppets though! We use ear defenders for a child in senior school so I will get another pair over summer just in case. Thanks for the reminder!

    I know that T’s parents will have anxieties and I want to support them so they can come to me with any concerns. I’m also conscious that I’m going to have a large class including several other children with medical conditions, either diagnosed or in the process of being diagnosed. Plus as a Reception teacher, all my first-time parents will be anxious.

    I need to find a balance so I’m available to parents who need to talk to me but hopefully reach the point of trust so they know I will inform them of any problems but maybe can’t always give a daily verbal report of T’s day in the way pre-school were able to - though of course T’s TA will be available too. I think we’ll have to wait and see how T settles into school and take things from there.     

    Our head does like all children to attend assemblies but we tend to adopt a process where children go into the assembly with their 1-1 and sit at end of line so they can leave when they need to. They might just stay in for the welcome. We had one child with autism who loved any assemblies which music and would lie down at the back of the hall to listen. Another child hated any singing in assemblies and would either put on ear defenders or leave.

    Part of our school ethos is that praising ‘good’ behaviour is more effective than shaming ‘bad’ behaviour. It’s important for adults to understand the reasons behind behaviour and try not to take words and actions personally.    

    I’m keen to develop my Quiet Time space and have an opportunity to do this thanks to our building work.

    I would like to establish some sort of visual timetable. I will hopefully get this sorted with TA on inset day before school starts. 

    The TA has 15 years of experience as a 1-1 support and has worked with two other children with autism in that time. Her training has been on-the-job, in school by our SENCo and through courses run by our local authority. She is a lovely person; cheerful, energetic and endlessly patient.  

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