Hurt and depressed.

 RMy adult son  has said hes had enough of me and wants to move out . Ok i knew it would happen one day but hes being so nasty. Saying he doesnt want me to know where he is so i cant visit, asking g why i sent him to a crap school when he was 4, why i got married (divorced)  trying to make me out to be a bad mother when all ive tried to do is help him and care for him on my own most of his life. I feel so upset and down , i feel lost and empty Our relationship is damaged.  Weve been left on our own for so long without any help, although hes not easy in that respect to try and help and advise.  Alli want is for him to have a better life and be happy instead of spending everyday in his room.   I dont know if i can get through this...

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