Looking for advice

Hi there.. I'm just looking for some advice really. My son is almost 11 he has adhd and autism. He is really struggling in school emotionally and socially. Some of his 'friends' are sometimes mean it is genuinely just kids being kids at times some children are just mean to him to hurt his feelings he doesn't really have any real friends an its so hard as a mother to see this. I have thought about home schooling numerous times but I worry if its the right choice for him. As he is so eaten up daily just by the things other children say to him. 

  • Unfortunately, ordinary 'standard' schools are not very enjoyable places for neurodivergent children. I really loathed and hated school my whole school life, despite being academically bright. However, I think that being in the rough and tumble of school gave me far more resilience than I would have had otherwise. Plus I made friends that I am still in regular contact with, even now at the age of 60. There are no easy answers, but if you ensure that your son has as much support as possible things can improve.

  • Thank you for your response its just so hard to see him struggle so much with his emotions and socially in school. He takes everything to such a personal level an really feels the hurt an nothing I Blushn say or do helps him he goes to secondary school soon so I'm hoping he can form better friendships there Blush

  • Keep him in...i came out and it all but ruined me. My experience

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