Social skills training

My 13 year old daughter was diagnosed with Autism last summer. She has trouble going to school and her only friends are online, friends she does online gaming with. Shes asked for social skills training. I would like to find a coach, councillir course that she can acess but I have no idea how to find it. Does anyone have any advise? 

  • What’s your job? You must interact with some people in it. Try going one step further every week, even if it’s just starting off by saying hello to people you normally wouldn’t, then work your way up from there. You either take lots of small steps, or jump right in.

    I’d also recommend getting an appointment with your GP. They might see the anxiety you get from social interaction as a form of depression. I know that’s how it shows in me, and the tablets do help.

  • What’s your job? You must interact with some people in it. Try going one step further every week, even if it’s just starting off by saying hello to people you normally wouldn’t, then work your way up from there. You either take lots of small steps, or jump right in.

    I’d also recommend getting an appointment with your GP. They might see the anxiety you get from social interaction as a form of depression. I know that’s how it shows in me, and the tablets do help.

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