Daughter biting

Hi again. I was here a few months ago, I intended to stay and get to know everyone better but life took over as it usually does. 

I need some help and guidance with my daughter. She has a diagnosis of autism and originally was obsessed with nibbling everything, her toys, me though never her dad and her clothes. But this has got worse in the last month. She's gone from gently nibbling to actually biting very hard, so hard that she has made my hands bleed and hurts her teeth. I did want to take her to the gp but they won't see her, only doing phone calls here still but the gp was so unhelpful said that she'll probably grow out of it. Well that's not good enough, she's hurting herself and hurting me. I'm worried she'll chip a tooth in the end as she literally bites everything. Please help us with this.

Parents Reply Children
  • Self harming

    or others. it took me a long time to comprehand that, I think I was 10 and I punched my sister and her nose started to bleed, Before that I don't recollect thinking about it at all. I had million accidents and 2 serious head injuries

  • Yes my husband wants me to. I think I should change gp but it's the whole change thing it stresses me out because you have to meet new gp, talk to them, etc. Very stressful but I realise I'll have to do it soon. 

    We have both tried to stop her biting. Grounding her, no toys or tv but it doesn't work. I don't think she really understands that it's a bad thing and she shouldn't do it. We have both tried explaining to her.

    That's what my husband said the same as you. Thank you, no offence taken. I will try to change gp tomorrow before the weekend.

  • You should change GP.  If I caught one of my 7yr olds biting they would be grounded for a week. I don’t allow my ASD 3yr to. 

    Please don’t take this the wrong way, I’m simply suggesting your GP is a tad clueless thinking it’s expectable to suggest  a 7yr old will grow out of biting and really your daughter needs a referral sooner than later. Self harming, she doesn’t understand self harming, never the less she is