My Son doesn’t like to eat.


My Son is 3 years old, and non verbal, he has always been really difficult to feed, he doesn’t feed himself and can only have foods that he can swallow straight down because he doesn’t chew. All his foods are mainly blended, he doesn’t eat any solid food or meltable snacks. Meal times are always really difficult, it takes a long time for my son to eat a meal he constantly pushes the spoon away, or head butts the spoon, won’t open his mouth or just turns his head away. We make a variety of different meals and the outcome is always the same.
Has anyone else experienced this? Or have any ideas as to what we can try? 
we have had a feeding assessment but it wasn’t any use, all they have said is that until my son starts feeding himself there isn’t much help they can give. 

Thank you.

Parents Reply Children
  • I have just remembered that my sister said I had a high palette so food kept getting stuck at the top of my mouth (still happens sometimes now).  This obviously freaked me out when I was very young.