How to tell a 9 year old girl

Our 9 year old girl was diagnosed in December. We are yet to tell her, and trying to work out how best to do it, and what resources to have ready to support her. 

Have started to look at youtube and some books, but feel that they dont quite reflect her, and dont want to tell her how she experiences her autism - as she does copy behaviours, am slightly concerned that she may even copy some traits that she currently doesnt display.  

Any suggestions? or advice appreciated. 

Thank you. 

  • Some brilliant advice there. I can only relate it to when we told our daughter she might have epilepsy that caused her to have absence seizures. She was about 8 at the time. She was so relieved as in her words “I thought there was something really wrong with me but now I know it’s fine.”  It might feel like you are giving bad news, but to her it might be a huge relief to finally know why she is the way she is. 

  • Some brilliant advice there. I can only relate it to when we told our daughter she might have epilepsy that caused her to have absence seizures. She was about 8 at the time. She was so relieved as in her words “I thought there was something really wrong with me but now I know it’s fine.”  It might feel like you are giving bad news, but to her it might be a huge relief to finally know why she is the way she is. 

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