New here and just need some help and advice i have no one to talk too

Hello , I really don't know were to begin this is new to me and currently feeling lost with everything I have a 22 month old daughter is showing autistic triats to me and others like her health vistor who has referred her to a PED specialist but still waiting and its been 2 months. Me and her father first noticed from roughly 13 months that maybe there could be a problem with her hearing as she didn't respond to her name her hearing is finally getting checked in Oct so we will no for sure if this is the root of the problem or not. 

See my problem is I know deep down that maybe my daughter is autistic she shows alot of signs

Spinning in circles 

Arm flapping 

No eye contact 

Doesn't respond to her name

Can't say any words but used to say baba and dada at 12 months old then stopped a few weeks later 

She rocks head bangs and bites 

Loves hanging upside down 

Plays alone and she has 2 older and 1 younger sibling 

Doesn't play with toys properly just sticks everything in her mouth 

Runs and walks on tip toes even though she can walk fine 

There is probably many more but be here all day, so I don't really know why am here just her dad is very dismissive when I say I think it is more autistic then a hearing problem and doesnt really want me to push for any type of diagnosis as he feels as its labling her however I just feel kinda lost i want to do everything I can to help her learn and grown to the best of her abilities and just feel in limbo with everything and know this can be such a long process and just feel out of my depth I keep questioning myself is it something I have done was it because the cord was wrapped around her neck when born have I not spent enough time teaching her like I did my older 2 as when I had her my mum only passed away that same year and then I accidentally got pregnant again so there is like 13 months between her and her baby sister i just don't know what to think do or feel and I just feel myself wanting to cry all the time as I don't know what to do think or feel anymore but literally just getting up and plodding on as I have 4 kids who need me to look after them. 

Sorry for the essay any help or advice would be nice 

Thanks for taking the time to read 

  • I also was alleged to have hearing issues as a child but my mum was pushy with the health visitor. My mum said ‘if you stood at the other side of the room and said “chocolate “ his head will turn.’ Autistic children aren’t supper impressed with the gift of speech at first because most adults don’t have anything interesting to say.

    what is she obsessed with? Clocks? Toys? Try to interact with her using these items. Talk to her about these items. Language will be worth her time investing in if you show her it pertains to what catches her interest.

  • I also was alleged to have hearing issues as a child but my mum was pushy with the health visitor. My mum said ‘if you stood at the other side of the room and said “chocolate “ his head will turn.’ Autistic children aren’t supper impressed with the gift of speech at first because most adults don’t have anything interesting to say.

    what is she obsessed with? Clocks? Toys? Try to interact with her using these items. Talk to her about these items. Language will be worth her time investing in if you show her it pertains to what catches her interest.

  • I honestly don't think she has hearing problems either as my daughter is the same if I say chocolate buttons she will come running over fast as her little legs can carry her and to be honest she hasn't really got interests she tends to pick up random toys 1 in each hand and run around with them I have noticed that they always match the toys so it will be 2 balls or 2 pieces of lego or 2 blocks or if she doesn't do this she will go to a certain spot in the room and gather a small group of items together and sit with them inbetween her legs picking each 1 up at a time and like mixing them all together I don't know how to explain it in words really but if I was to go over and sit in front of her to engage in what she is doing she will turn her back to me push me out the way with hands or her feet as if to tell me to go away but then at times she will run up to me when am sitting on the floor and want to sit inbetween my legs playing but still with her back to me she loves tickles and getting chased and hanging her upside down she loves lying on my knees watching TV upside down alot 

  • As a young child I didn’t really play with ‘toys’ either. But I was fascinated by mechanisms. How things moved and worked together. 

    for her a toy is probably not a tool of imagination it’s just a means to a comforting or interesting sensations. Look at the every day objects she interacts with and how she does it. Anything she tries to take apart particularly. These are her real toys.