Managing Anger


My 11-year-old son suffers really badly from intense feelings of anger. Anything and everything can set him off at a moment's notice, which results in him smashing and destroying things.

Once he is calm, he always regrets his outbursts and he genuinely can not control his angry feelings.

He needs to learn how to recognize his feelings and how to control his anger in a safe way. I'm not sure what I can do to help him? Has anyone got any advice?



  • Hi. This is something that has plagued me my whole life. Not knowing, until recently the reason why, has prevented me from doing anything about it. Even then there’s a limit to how much I can take before I blow. It’s like I’m inside and aware of what’s happening but I’m on rage autopilot until it burns out. Then the remorse kicks in which triggers withdrawal from life. The thing is I’ve sort of had to learn to recognise the signs and walk away before I blow. Or rely on others to notice I’m winding up and hope they distract me. There is no rational reasoning behind it and I appreciate for someone watching it, it looks like an overreaction to what is probably something trivial, but to me it’s kinda life or death. A lot of people struggle to understand this. It’s no ones fault it’s just how I work. 

  • Hi. This is something that has plagued me my whole life. Not knowing, until recently the reason why, has prevented me from doing anything about it. Even then there’s a limit to how much I can take before I blow. It’s like I’m inside and aware of what’s happening but I’m on rage autopilot until it burns out. Then the remorse kicks in which triggers withdrawal from life. The thing is I’ve sort of had to learn to recognise the signs and walk away before I blow. Or rely on others to notice I’m winding up and hope they distract me. There is no rational reasoning behind it and I appreciate for someone watching it, it looks like an overreaction to what is probably something trivial, but to me it’s kinda life or death. A lot of people struggle to understand this. It’s no ones fault it’s just how I work. 

  • I don't think I've got anger issues per se - I much prefer flight to fight, but I get incandescent if backed into a corner.

    I always have an escape route planned - this dramatically reduces my chance of meltdown.