How can I best be supported?

I am 21 years old. I have dyspraxia, meres Irlen syndrome and an auditory processing delay. I have a very close friend who is effectively my 'main carer' at the moment, I am very reliant on her help and support at the moment especially out of the home environment in the community.

I am currently experiencing a lot of problems and a waiting official assessment and diagnosis. Over the last 8 months I have noticed a huge deterioration in my 'behaviour' and ability to cope with being me. This has included huge meltdowns, an increase in obsessive behaviour, fairly constant sensory overload, self harming (biting, scratching, hitting, using implements such as razor, burning etc etc) worse than ever, flapping and rocking, big social issues, huge problems with change and just generally being very on edge and hugely unpredictable.

We have struggled a lot to get any help. My friend is not very experienced in problems like this and I am struggling to explain to her how to help me and support me especially when I am having a meltdown or really how I feel when it happens. Before I have used sensory rooms and stuff but there is none as far as I am aware in Swindon... Anyone got any advice or tips that we could use to try and reduce/ manage this behaviour and things because it is really ruining my day to day happening.

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