12 year old son - to seek assessment for diagnosis or not.

We have often noticed autistic traits in our son and recently he has expressed worries about being different. He had always struggled socially / with friendships and seems to get on better when talking to adults than peoe his won age. He has a big obsession with buses and trains and collects bus timetables. He struggled with big events such as holidays, birthdays and Christmas etc. Anyway we had a chat yesterday and he thinks he would like to look at getting assessment done. He says he would rather look into a possible diagnosis than, as he puts it "have a big question mark,". Howevet today he is stressing about it and saying he is worried how a diagnosis would affect his future job opportunities and that maybe we should wait until he has achieved something first. 

Any advice ? 

  • No advise but I am in similar situation with my 13yr old son. Concerned as he has lots of meltdowns and fall outs with the family (we are a family of 5) I want to be more understanding and know how to help him but no idea where to begin weigh diagnosis. Especially as one minute he’s okay with me approaching doctor the next he has an anxiety attack and even mentions suicide if I approach his school. 

  • No advise but I am in similar situation with my 13yr old son. Concerned as he has lots of meltdowns and fall outs with the family (we are a family of 5) I want to be more understanding and know how to help him but no idea where to begin weigh diagnosis. Especially as one minute he’s okay with me approaching doctor the next he has an anxiety attack and even mentions suicide if I approach his school. 

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