Help me with my 18 year old daughter

DD diagnosed with ASD 18 months ago. I am sat here in tears seeing her spend yet another day in bed asleep, her life passing her by.... 

  • Exactly Blue, her choice to leave College and start online studying as she was struggling with the social aspect of College... She rejects and intervention, and I have tried everything... sigh.. she does need the teachers to keep her on track but that boat has sailed so to speak 

  • Exactly Blue, her choice to leave College and start online studying as she was struggling with the social aspect of College... She rejects and intervention, and I have tried everything... sigh.. she does need the teachers to keep her on track but that boat has sailed so to speak 

  • You do know that could assist her by making a place for her study like a desk or even using the dining table. You can encourage routine with her. With her deciding on when she is going to study and help her break tasks into manageable chunks. You can set a timer when she is doing her coursework where you intervene every hour to make sure she is takes breaks when needed, Help coax her out of hyperfocus if that is an issue and help transsion her to different tasks. Leaving her to own devices is going to make things worse. You need to encourage and not force and work at her pace.