Help me with my 18 year old daughter

DD diagnosed with ASD 18 months ago. I am sat here in tears seeing her spend yet another day in bed asleep, her life passing her by.... 

  • Does your daughter have a social worker?

    If not, maybe mention to your GP you think she urgently needs one.

    I wonder if she has got frustrated with living with the family as a lot of people around that age do get to feeling like that. I remember I was eager to move out of my parents' home and had my own flat a while, though I later moved back in. But she may be secretly longing for a more of a sense of freedom, which we all get when we want to rebel against our parents.

  • Does your daughter have a social worker?

    If not, maybe mention to your GP you think she urgently needs one.

    I wonder if she has got frustrated with living with the family as a lot of people around that age do get to feeling like that. I remember I was eager to move out of my parents' home and had my own flat a while, though I later moved back in. But she may be secretly longing for a more of a sense of freedom, which we all get when we want to rebel against our parents.

  • This time Chips Could possible be right, But have you thought possible that the pressure your putting on her is making her worse. Have you though that she may be comparing herself with others in her age group and understands that she cant do some of the things her peers of her own age are managing to do and it's frustrating her so much it's making her exhausted. It probably the reason why she not admitting she need more help. Have you considered she might be retreating to her bed because to avoid the fact she feels like she disappointing you or that she lost and doesn't know what to do with her life. 

    It could be demand avoidance which is a struggle in itself because she may want to do something but the organisation and planning of that task seems out of reach or extremely stressful and become a problem if it become cycle because worrying about wanting, doing and needing the task might be making her exhausted.

    What you and your daughter need to understand is its going to take some time and it could mean her living with you for a long while, possible into her thirties and for her to accept support but finding any reasonable support is difficult.