Help me with my 18 year old daughter

DD diagnosed with ASD 18 months ago. I am sat here in tears seeing her spend yet another day in bed asleep, her life passing her by.... 

  • It is me that is struggling with this, i have put my own life on hold, but am getting better with that now. It is so hard to see her asleep all day, most days, it is like a knife to my heart. I know i need to step back but finding it hard... I just want to "make it all better" and take away her pain. I am trying so hard to be positive, some days i manage too and other days like yesterday and today I struggle.... 

  • It is me that is struggling with this, i have put my own life on hold, but am getting better with that now. It is so hard to see her asleep all day, most days, it is like a knife to my heart. I know i need to step back but finding it hard... I just want to "make it all better" and take away her pain. I am trying so hard to be positive, some days i manage too and other days like yesterday and today I struggle.... 

  • It sounds hard for you. Maybe you are taking too much on. If you withdrew and left her to herself it could be that she would realise she actually needs more help from you than she's willing to admit. And then she could start opening up more. Just a thought, I don't really know.