Help - How to communicate with my step-son

My step-son is showing signs for Asperger's and I am not sure how to communicate effectively with him.

He is 23 living at home. Has a good job in IT. 

  • If he's like me he probably likes clear requests. Don't say: my your room is a mess, better say: I really want you to clean your room, it's important, you risk to make stains that diminish the value of the house...

    I used to live by the morality: treat others like you wish to be treated yourself. This turned out to be a big mistake, the way I like to be treated is by most people considered to be very rude. 

    If he has a good job in IT, he's probably very tired and would rather not be communicated with much. Be kind, make sure to count him in but don't expect him to tell you about his life much. I spent my time mostly in my room playing games... or programming... 

  • If he's like me he probably likes clear requests. Don't say: my your room is a mess, better say: I really want you to clean your room, it's important, you risk to make stains that diminish the value of the house...

    I used to live by the morality: treat others like you wish to be treated yourself. This turned out to be a big mistake, the way I like to be treated is by most people considered to be very rude. 

    If he has a good job in IT, he's probably very tired and would rather not be communicated with much. Be kind, make sure to count him in but don't expect him to tell you about his life much. I spent my time mostly in my room playing games... or programming... 
