Does your child do this?

My 7 year old autistic Daughter sometimes does this thing where you walk towards her and she runs so your left chasing her round a shop or wherever it is.

Does anyone else child do this?

Have you found a way to stop them doing it?

Thanks in advance.

  • When the cub scouts were taken on a nature ramble, rather than sticking with Akele, I would be running ahead. Small wonder I never won a single badge. It was eventually decided that I wasn't exactly suited to the group, which was probably a major league embarrassment as another family member was a local Brownie leader, and friendly with the cub pack. I seem to remember feeling only that it was more exciting to rush ahead.

    The funny thing is that I am actually quite amenable to some degree of social cohesion and discipline. It is perhaps worth noting, though, that I haven't really changed that much in nearly 6 decades. It hasn't done much to help develop what I would call a normal career.

  • (Hey You... Good Ol' Senior Moment (!), I like this Post Myself, but I think You might need to specify exact (or limited?) relevance it has to this Thread.

    ...You should know full well by now that I mean no insult art You, so I should not have to add that "I mean no insult", even though I just added that, honestly..!)   Slight smile

  • (Hey You... Good Ol' Senior Moment (!), I like this Post Myself, but I think You might need to specify exact (or limited?) relevance it has to this Thread.

    ...You should know full well by now that I mean no insult art You, so I should not have to add that "I mean no insult", even though I just added that, honestly..!)   Slight smile

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