Does your child do this?

My 7 year old autistic Daughter sometimes does this thing where you walk towards her and she runs so your left chasing her round a shop or wherever it is.

Does anyone else child do this?

Have you found a way to stop them doing it?

Thanks in advance.

Parents Reply Children
  • Has anyone else got any more advice?

    ...I reply to this in order to bump this Thread back to Top, because I would like to know this Myself, honestly. I really would. Really.

    The very last I can suggest is what I suggested already which is to allow the running around in a safe area/wide open space, and restrict it when not appropriate. I am out of My zone here, now, because discipline which worked upon Myself (not punishments or bad) is now against the LAW. I can only imagine Myself as a Child now - and so can very many other Adults upon this Forum, Autistic or not : "I feel so much better by just running running running away... I want to be Freeeee...!" ... sort of thing.

    ...But This is not "practical advice" and so I do not know what else to say - I am not a Parent from 1998-onwards. I hope that I so far gave *some* advice which was a bit useful. (Running away also produces a heightened state where upsets &/or allergies are ignored... etc. etc.)

    As said, please reply to the main Poster, Anyone.