Does your child do this?

My 7 year old autistic Daughter sometimes does this thing where you walk towards her and she runs so your left chasing her round a shop or wherever it is.

Does anyone else child do this?

Have you found a way to stop them doing it?

Thanks in advance.

  • Greetings. I am not a parent & am just passing, but I suggest/ask a few things:

    Is the child happy whilst doing this? Then it is seen as an attention-seeking game.

    Are they serious looking or angry while doing this? Then it is attention seeking and trying to tell/show You something else.

    'Find a way to stop them doing it'... not really, no, apart from asking them why they do it, do *not* tell them off for it depending upon the reason, use something to distract them from doing it, give massive rewards/more attention when they do something else or cease doing it.

    Also there is the thing about the running away being a form of "stimming"/stress relief... in which case find a similar chasing game + environment in which to play in, and reward them there instead of in a shop/public place.

    ...Stress relief and Rewarding "good" behaviour may apply here... but You do not give much detail, so that is all I may dare suggest just now... someone else might post better suggestions later. (Someone who is a parent.)

  • What sort of rewards should I give her?

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