Advice desperately needed regarding my 18 month old son

Hi everyone. 

I have just joined here, in the hope to get some advice and reassurance.  

my son is 18 months, I have 4 other children aged from 10 to 17, so he is my baby and all of our baby!! He is fussed over,  doted on and loved so much.  Up until Christmas I was not worried about him, but comparing a family members 15 month old has worried me sick since.

my little boy loves to play and be chased and run away from his brothers and sister,  he loves nursery rhymes and is so happy when we put them on Alexa or sing to him, he does interact with me at these points.  However these are the things I am concerned about

he doesn’t respond to his name, if daddy or anyone comes through the door he doesn’t look up or show any interest in who it is.  He plays with his toys but will never come over to me to show me or give me things when I say ta.  He doesn’t talk, But does babble, I’m sure he used to say dada and duck but that seems to have stopped.  Although whilst out shopping the other day in the trolley he kept saying “out” I’m sure.  When I sing row row your boat he sways back and forwards laughing and occasionally when I ask him if he wants to jump he’ll take my hands and jump.  if the door bell goes he will not look around and doesn’t have any interest who is there.  We also went to see my partners nan yesterday he didn’t interact with her once, he was far too busy trying to pull her ornaments down lol but she said, oh bless him he’s in a world of his own which added to My anxiety.  

I have now got myself in such a state, analysing everything and googling things.  I called up health visitor 3 times in last two weeks, they said the first two times that there is nothing they can do anyway until 2. But the third time I rang and begged them to come and see him, so they are coming in a couple of weeks,.  

I would be so grateful for any advice, and help with a few questions.  I’m concerned that he will start to lose skills he’s already learnt and get worse, is this possible? And if he did have autism, what help is there? Will he get better? Is there anything I can do to help him? I sit in the floor and play with him a lot, but feel like I should do more.  Sorry if I sound neurotic I just need some advice from people who understand rather than this googling and scaring myself.  

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