DIET: Anyone used the services of Dr Lorene Amet- Autism Treatment Plus?

We are at a desperate situation with food with out four year old Autistic duaghter, who is terribly fussy.

She will only eat around 10 different foods, mostly processed (oat cakes, humus, pom-bears, apples, blueberries, pears, cucumber, school bars).

I am worried she is falling short on key nutrients, especially Iron as she will not eat meat in any form!

Having neen recommended the Autism Treatment Plus by Dr Lorene Amet, I now have an initial phone consulation booked.

I was just wondering if anyone else has used the services of this clinic based in London and Edinburgh please?

Their website is:

I'd appreciate any comments!

Thank you,


  • did it help?i am considering this clinic now for my non verbal 4 years old

  • Hi

    I have been looking at her website too. just wondering if you have attended the clinic, do you mind sharing your experience with me

  • Hope you're able to find something helpful Slight smile

  • Thank you!

    We tried the NHS route, and it wasn't much help. I myself prescribe diets to clients, so I know she's not getting what she needs and this affects her sleep and general mood.

    I mainly want to use this clinic for the urine and stool tests they offer, and the recommendations they provide.
    I certainly have no interest in the ABA side of things, nor anything too psychological in "treatment".

    Will post results! Slight smile

  • Hi!

    We're only using them for nutritional support, mainly to see if anything is out of normal with gut health and nutrient intake.

    Tests are done via Urine and stool tests.

    I'm fully aware that Autism is not curable. I just don't want to make the situation worse through bad eating.

  • We were exactly where you are with our son a couple of years ago.  He has a very limited range of foods that he can tolerate, mostly pasta, cereal, bread, a few fruits such as apples and bananas.  What really helped us was getting referred to an NHS Dietician.

    We were asked to write down everything he ate for a couple of weeks, then had an appointment to discuss the results and check his height and weight etc.  The Dietician reassured us that, although very bland and boring, his diet (with a daily multivitamin) was sufficient for his needs and that he seemed in excellent health.

    One thing that we've found recently is that he will tolerate some blender drinks like Nakd 'Green Machine'.  They are a bit sugary but do contain quite a bit of vitamin heavy fruit so we get him to drink them when we can.

    I'm not familiar with the Clinic you mention, but having read this on their website:

    "Our approach to Autism, that it is not wholly or mainly genetic in origin and as such can be treated, has moved some distance from the periphery of scientific thought and although it is not yet accepted by the mainstream there is far greater awareness of this view and evidence that demands it to be taken seriously."

    I would proceed with caution.  To me, that's getting close to anti-vax territory.

  • Hiya Papa,

    Following on from DuckBread's suggestion you may find this link below of some help around your daughter's eating habits...

    I hope this helps

    Best wishes

    Lorraine Mod

  • I've just had a quick look at the website and as soon as it mentioned them "signposting children to other services, such as ABA, where appropriate", that was an immediate red flag. ABA has been proven to be very harmful to children's long-term mental health. I'd also worry about any service that claims to "treat" autism - it isn't an illness that can be treated or cured. There are coping mechanisms that can help with the challenges autistic people face, but that's very different from trying to treat autism.

    I'd recommend speaking to the National Autistic Society via their helpline - they may be able to recommend some services for you.