Desperate for advice


I’m neither a parent or a carer. I am a concerned partner of a a mid-thirties female who is registered dyslexic but also believes herself to have dyspraxia and autism. I have asked her about getting a diagnosis for her autism but she said that about 3 years ago both her counsellor and her doctor declined to test her. 

I feel I need to support in the day to day pressures that I experience when supporting her. I get frustrated and cross and I don’t think this is right  I want to understand and learn new ways of coping.

Can anyone help me please?

thank you. 

  • K, thank you so much for responding.

    I feel very sad reading your message and wish there was somewhere we could go for support. 

    What would you say is the thing that makes life most difficult for you. 

  • K, thank you so much for responding.

    I feel very sad reading your message and wish there was somewhere we could go for support. 

    What would you say is the thing that makes life most difficult for you. 

  • Yeah I wish that there was somewhere to go for support too. 

    The most difficult thing for me is understanding what people want me to feel say and do, and the way that it is to be expressed.

    I can never deliver on the expectations of others, and when people learn this they underestimate me in every area of my life so that really shatters my confidence.