How does assessment work?


i have a 6 year old boy who has been referred for an ASD assessment by his school. He has already been seen by an educational psychologist at school who has given a 9 page report based on what she observed and she suggested he was referred. We have received an appointment today with a consultant community paediatrician for a communication disorder clinic. Is this the start of his referral/assessment process does anyone know? Thank you. 

  • Hi Svollans,

    It sounds like you will have already had your appointment with the pediatrician by now, but if you want to learn more about the process for getting an ASD diagnosis you can view our page on diagnosis for children here - - where you can also see information about post-diagnostic support and links to our helpline and family support services if that's something you would be interested in. 

    Best wishes,

    Ross - mod

  • Hi Svollans,

    It sounds like you will have already had your appointment with the pediatrician by now, but if you want to learn more about the process for getting an ASD diagnosis you can view our page on diagnosis for children here - - where you can also see information about post-diagnostic support and links to our helpline and family support services if that's something you would be interested in. 

    Best wishes,

    Ross - mod

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