2 Year old Daughter has first Assessment for Autism next Tuesday.

The start of my youngest daughter's assessment process for Autism by CADU (Child Assessment and Development Unit) has come around a lot quicker than I expected it to. We had a letter this morning explaining that she will be visited at home by a Paediatric Nurse Specialist next Tuesday morning. She'll also have to have the ADOS assessment at CADU; Be assessed at her Nursery by one of the professionals involved and a Multidisciplinary Team assessment at CADU, all on different dates. I'm relieved that we're finally getting closer to getting an actual specific diagnosis for her rather than the interim diagnosis of Global Developmental Delay. I've said to a few people before that although I think there is also some rare genetic disorder involved too, she's definitely 'on the spectrum', she's got too many of the same traits as myself not to be on the spectrum. Having her helps me to understand my own quirks better. Hopefully the assessment process goes well for her!

  • CADU phoned me back this morning to say that they've been through all of litlun's assessments and she has an appointment with her Paediatrician on the 28th of August at 11:30. Unfortunately, my eldest took the call as I was driving so I need to phone them back on Monday to establish whether the appointment is with her Paediatrician only or for the MDT meeting!

  • How long between her being assessed at nursery till you get the feedback. My daughter is 5 and we have to wait till after the holidays for the paediatrician and psychologist to assesses her at school as she will be starting year 1. I have the report from her first assessment and they did say she does have social communication difficulties but cannot officially say autism spectrum disorder until the school assessment.

  • Hi! I will ask for feedback at her appointment on the 28/08. I don’t have the feedback from any of her appointments yet EXCEPT that the woman who did her ADOS did say that she thinks that she does meet the criteria for ASD. My understanding was that they need to go through all 3 of her assessments before giving ‘official’ feedback. Luckily they were able to do her 3 assessments in quite quick succession. It must be frustrating for you having to wait so long?

  • Not long to wait till you can ask for feedback, hope you get the results you have been waiting for. 

    It has been very frustrating as she has become more violent and having more meltdowns since our last appointment so a lot has changed and as she knows how to hide certain traits from strangers, teachers and her school friends. She is a different child at school compared to when she is home, so its hard for them to make the diagnosis from what they observe. The pediatrician said my daughter was 6th in the queue to have a school assessment so we still have to wait and we wont know when they are going to the school as they are going to do it then contact me after. 

  • Not long to wait till you can ask for feedback, hope you get the results you have been waiting for. 

    It has been very frustrating as she has become more violent and having more meltdowns since our last appointment so a lot has changed and as she knows how to hide certain traits from strangers, teachers and her school friends. She is a different child at school compared to when she is home, so its hard for them to make the diagnosis from what they observe. The pediatrician said my daughter was 6th in the queue to have a school assessment so we still have to wait and we wont know when they are going to the school as they are going to do it then contact me after. 

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