Is my son autistic?

Hi folks. I'm new here.

For a while now, I've been worried about my eleven year old. Here is some info:

  1. Doesn't like hugs or cuddles from people but does from animals.
  2. Can avoid eye contact when in conversation.
  3. Extreme hatred for collar shirts and avoids wearing them at all costs.
  4. Difficulty swallowing certain foods, such as red meat and some vegetables.
  5. Feels depressed at times, tearful and can't say why.
  6. Feels different from other children and can't say why, just that there's "no resolution".
  7. Very difficult to get motivated to do anything that doesn't involve an electronic device (iPhone, etc).
  8. Expanding on the above: piano, taekwondo and Chinese studies take constant nagging to get done, whereas iPhone videos (YouTube) or Xbox games will have his full concentration for hours and he can tell me all the intricate details.
  9. Has some close friends at school, no issues there.
  10. Often mean to his younger sister, impatient and doesn't often talk in a kind way.
  11. High academic achievement. Second to top of the class in English, Maths.
  12. Currently in year 6, none of his teachers have ever brought up any concerns and parents evenings always very positive.

I’ve made him an appointment at the doctors, initially for points 5 & 6 above, but only tonight my wife and I have read online that points 2, 3 & 4 may indicate autism. My mother had mentioned to me in the past that point 1 may be a sign, too, but I didn't pursue it. 

I'd welcome any thoughts, please. Many thanks. 

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