Married to an Aspie

Can anyone relate to being married to a guy with Aspergers and feeling like his carer? Feel so lonely in our relationship and unless we do what motivates him or talk about his hobbies we literally don’t talk or spend time together. Don’t want to use this forum to moan as he really is a kind hearted guy but I just feel so unimportant, forgotten and alone. 

  • I just got married to an aspie and have been looking for support and other people like me. It feels very lonely has I have not found anyone else who is NT and married to an aspie. I just found this forum and appreciate everything everyone has commented. It helps me to read different point of views 

  • I just got married to an aspie and have been looking for support and other people like me. It feels very lonely has I have not found anyone else who is NT and married to an aspie. I just found this forum and appreciate everything everyone has commented. It helps me to read different point of views 

  • I have been with my partner for 18 yrs and have struggled in honesty to understand why he gets so cross and angry over what he classes as stressful situations and I class as life...for example when our baby used to cry it would start getting annoyed, which meant I dealt with the baby in the night.  I resented him for this as to me he is having a paddy so I take over.  I didn't know he had autism and it became apparent to me after years of trying to get his attention towards me instead of gaming or a camera he may be fiddling with.  Trying to demand his attention resulted in more resentment from him.  I can be with him at home all evening and he makes little to no conversation.  I went to a party with him last night..I didn't mention it, but the entire time, 4 hours, he said one sentence to me.  He is a great dad, faithful to me and loving in his way, but I cant help but feel I am missing out on a relationship with nt interactions and the interest of a nt man in me.  I cant really talk to many people about this issue.  I want to be with him and chat to him, but he just doesn't need conversation in the way I do, he admits that.  He says he doesn't get anything from idle chit chat.  This leaves me feeling alone.  .