Any coping strategies in secondary school?

Hi, I’m new to this community so apologies if this is already answered somewhere. Has anyone found anything particular that helps their secondary school child get through the school day more easily? My daughter is 11 and so stressed out about school. We have given in to giving her lifts to/from school to ease the anxiety but sitting in a classroom where she finds it hard to process information quickly enough or remember what she should be doing is so tiring. Time out would help but she doesn’t want people to see her as different. Any ideas gratefully received! Thank you.

  • Thank you everyone, it's so nice to hear from people who have been through it / are going through it too. I am finally realising that it's no exaggeration that it takes at least 2 years to get from referral to an assessment in our area (Kent) and that there is absolutely no psychiatrist/counselling help on the NHS - my GP is very good and very understanding, and was embarrassed that all he could give us was the number for a private psychiatrist costing about £150 per session, which we can't afford, especially as I don't know if my daughter would even talk in a session or how many sessions she would need to help her feel less anxious. Has anyone else found psychiatrist sessions helpful for extreme anxiety? Also, has anyone else got an EHCP (education health care plan) - i'm not sure whether this is relevant or helpful but the school have suggested it's not relevant in my daughter's case as she doesn't meet the criteria...?

  • Thank you everyone, it's so nice to hear from people who have been through it / are going through it too. I am finally realising that it's no exaggeration that it takes at least 2 years to get from referral to an assessment in our area (Kent) and that there is absolutely no psychiatrist/counselling help on the NHS - my GP is very good and very understanding, and was embarrassed that all he could give us was the number for a private psychiatrist costing about £150 per session, which we can't afford, especially as I don't know if my daughter would even talk in a session or how many sessions she would need to help her feel less anxious. Has anyone else found psychiatrist sessions helpful for extreme anxiety? Also, has anyone else got an EHCP (education health care plan) - i'm not sure whether this is relevant or helpful but the school have suggested it's not relevant in my daughter's case as she doesn't meet the criteria...?

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